ZENITH recommended solution and features of the modified milling line.
ZENITH recommended solution
(A MTM100 Medium Speed Trapezium Grinder)
Features of the mill line modified by ZENITH against active carbon
1. Active carbon is the porous absorbent. So during transportation, storage and usage, water penetration must be prevented because water shall be full of all active spaces after water penetration and the active carbon would become ineffective.
2. Material like tar etc. shall not be allowed to be brought into the active carbon bed during the using of the active carbon to avoid blockage in the active space to lose the function of absorption.
3. During storage and transportation, the active carbon is not allowed to contact directly with fire source to prevent fire.
4. Pulse dust collector with filmed punched felt pocket should be selected for better dust collection and removal effect.
Customer feedback
The above mentioned Sri Lanka customer bought our MTM100, and produced, packed and sold the active carbon of 250 meshes. The using effect of the machine is good, so is the sale of the product. So this customer has continuously purchased in recent years several MTM100 Trapezium Grinders from ZENITH to use them in different factories.